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shadow unit

Shadow Unit

If Criminal Minds met X-Files and had an even more awesome bastard lovechild, Shadow Unit would be it.

Writers include Emma Bull, Elizabeth Bear, and Sarah Monette, all of whom are awesome in their own right.

SU is a free online reader-funded fiction project with the conceit of being a TV show with regular episodes, and shorter teasers and deleted scenes (the DVD extras). It’s in its third season, and there’s a lot of material to read, especially if you get into the LJ and other ancillary materials, and the active fan forum.

If you’ve never taken a look, you are missing out.

I’m also interested in the ways in which content creators are looking for creative ways to approach distribution and funding, things like Kickstarter and new forms of self-promotion and self-distribution. Musicians seem to be having an easier time of it than writers and other arts – so far, but things are changing quickly.