Hugo-winning author and Shadow Unit co-founder Elizabeth Bear, author of some of my favorite books, has a new book out today, Grail, third in a science fiction trilogy (Dust and Chill being its predecessors).
I may have gone on a bit of a Bear-book-buying binge. When I went looking for a copy of Grail for my new Nook Color (about which more later, now that I’ve had it for a couple weeks and can write a sensible review), I discovered that a lot of her back catalog, including some out-of-print things I’ve been wanting to read, is available in ebook form.
I love living in the future.
And also, I seem to be suffering from an infestation of commas today. Sorry.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sarah Goslee, John Murphy. John Murphy said: RT @phiala: In which I promote @matociquala's new SF book because I expect it to be awesome. Happy Book Day, Bear! […]