I bombed a test today. Specifically, my blood test: I haven’t enough platelets or white blood cells, and they sent me home without my poison. I have to go back next week instead, and I’m going to be on a three-week cycle instead of every two weeks.
On the one hand, I get some extra time to recover, and may feel a bit less lousy, and I get today as a holiday. But now I’ll be doing chemo thru mid-May instead of the end of March. Bah.
Tamie pointed out that I’d screwed up last time: I had not completed 4/6 treatments, I had 4/6 left*. I’m not even halfway done yet, and this stretches it out further.
I mean, I appreciate that my doctors would like their cure to not kill me, and I do rather need both platelets and white blood cells for routine life. With my liver still growing back, my body is not processing the chemo drugs as efficiently as it did last year, so I need longer to recover and they’re making me sicker. Just no fun. But if all goes according to plan, then I will never have to do it again.
* Chemo brain: it’s a real thing.
well, crud! i wondered what was up when i saw that you had a string entry. but it is nice of them not to entirely kill you while saving you. and this way maybe any remaining body snatcher cells will seriously get the clue to leave or die!
More hugs.