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Science and writing

I know, two topics you’ve totally never seen here before!

First the writing.

How to write a book in three days. Michael Moorcock did it, and explained how.

If that wasn’t enough to think about, here’s Lester Dent’s Master Plot Formula for pulps.

And then the science.

Those word count progress bars? Just might help you succeed!

But whatever you do, watching TV should be avoided. There are so many reasons, but a really big one is that it has a serious impact on life expectancy, possibly even worse than smoking.

More reasons that drinking coffee is good for you: skin cancer prevention.

And if, like me, you combine the two, the deadline for the Science in My Fiction anthology is fast approaching. Got your story done?


  1. Janiece says:

    Hm. I love watching T.V. But I also force myself to exercise five hours a week, so maybe I’m off the hook (she rationalizes).

  2. Dr. Phil says:

    Then there’s the Int’l 3-Day Novel contest held over Labour Day weekend.

    Dr. Phil

  3. Sarah says:

    While I haven’t read the original paper, those sorts of figures are usually after other factors are taken into account. So no, if you watch 6 hours of TV a day you’re screwed regardless. What you need is a treadmill/exercise bike hooked to the TV – it’s sedentary behavior, not TV per se.

    The bit that scares me: these studies always talk about TV, not reading. Reading is an equally sedentary activity (almost). Is that because: a) time spent reading isn’t bad for you; b) TV is more exciting to talk about; c) the sample size of avid readers is too small for statistically-valid conclusions?

    I’m hoping for a, personally.

  4. Sarah says:

    Neat. I didn’t know about that.

    I think I’d die, although Moorcock makes it sound doable, if you want to write short pulpy novels. Which might be fun, actually.

  5. Janiece says:

    You’re not helping me rationalize, Sarah.

    But I don’t watch six hours of T.V. a day regardless. I just enjoy the time I do spend.