Slow morning, wrote less than a thousand words. But after an afternoon away from the house I sat down for a marathon three-hour session and wrote well over three thousand words, bringing me to 4100 for the day, or 7000 so far. Just 3000 more tomorrow and I will meet my goal!
If I’m going to do this sort of writing binge very often, I definitely need a better desk chair. And a better desk, for that matter.
So did you check out the Hugo winners yet? I’m very pleased, and especially so to see that Peter Watts won one. (And I love his shirt too – this was taken at the award ceremony.)
Congrats also to Clarkesworld – now I can say I’ve been published in a Hugo-winning semiprozine!
And congratulations to everyone who won, and to those who were nominated. It was a good slate this year, and very tough competition.
I hope to be on that list someday. I just need to keep writing, and get a lot better.
That’s an excellent word count. Hope you make it to 10,000 you’d like.